A statistical analysis

Tilly and I have been doing our challenges for a whole year!!

How time flies!!

Can you remember that slightly panicky post I wrote? No?

OK, I’m going to ‘reblog’ it and then check out how I’m actually getting on. (This is a discovery process for both you and me).

Originally posted on 22.04.2011:

Not to worry you or anything, but I thought Iā€™d have a breakdown break down the lovely tasks Iā€™ve set myself, into easily manageable numbers and see exactly where Iā€™m at.

The challenge states 101 tasks in 1001 days, and I have 973 days remaining.

I have so far completed 1 task.

I still have to find 25 tasks. But, of the 76 tasks Iā€™ve already set myself, 17 are not singular events.

So, actually, I still need to:

  • Blog 291 times (after this)
  • Maintain the list 31 times
  • Go to the gym 99 times
  • Attend 3 classes at the gym
  • Go swimming 28 times
  • Try 26 new recipes
  • Buy 5 new cookery books
  • Find 5 delicious wines
  • Introduce 3 people to sushi
  • Eat at 10 new restaurants
  • Read 3 German novels
  • Watch 94 films
  • Date my hubby 32 times
  • Do 4 car boots sales with the children
  • Date 2 of my daughters 12 times (so 24)
  • Home therapy with my son 52 times

This adds up to 710 events.

In the remaining 973 days.


OK. No. Wait. Because that only covers 17 of the tasks.

There are also 59 singular tasks.

And then, as I said before, 25 tasks are still to be found.

If I average out those 710 events through the 17 tasks I can round that up to 42 events per task.

Furthermore, if 17 of the 101 tasks are more than singular events, (which equates to around every 6th task), through the law of averages, I would expect that approximately 4 of the remaining 25 tasks to be found, would also be multi-eventers.

And if each of these 4 tasks then, took the previous average of 42 then I would expect to add another 168 events to the challenge.

Pant. Pant. Pant. BREATHE.

Where were we?

Ermā€¦ yes, 710 events plus another 168. So 878 events.


No. Sorryā€¦ Incorrect.

I have not added on the already selected 59 singular tasks previously mentioned.

878 + 59 = 937


But, ohā€¦ Silly me. I still have to allow that 21 of the 25 remaining tasks would also, by the law of averages, be singular challenges.

So: 937 + 21 = 958 8O


Therefore, Iā€™m faced with 958 events to be completed in 973 days.

If you are considering joining our challenge, please donā€™t let this deter you, after all I still have 15 wholedays left (if I succeed in 1 event per day) to: find another 33 Facebook fans, achieve another 13 flags on flag counter and another 56 countries, notch up another 42,875 hits on my stats counter and to donate 77,410 grains of rice.

The really good news is: I never did like cleaning. :-D

OK. Let’s see if I can work this out.

I only have to find 7 more tasks. (That’s a good start.) (Can you tell my glass is always half full?)

Today is day 367. That means I’m over a third way through, timewise. So, technically I should have completed more than 33 challenges. I have completed 22 but I don’t think that proves I’m behind schedule, as I’m in the middle of many tasks.

So far I’ve also:

  • blogged 119 times putting me well above my third of 303 times target.
  • maintained the list 13 times, also on target then (13/33).
  • chopped going to the gym and replaced it with 1001km on the cross trainer. I’m definitely behind there because of problems with my knee…
  • swam 30 times? I’ve managed 5 trips to the pool. Who on Earth came up with 30 as a target?
  • dreamt I’ve been swimming, does that count?
  • tested new recipes out on my family. šŸ˜€ I am a success. 25 out of 30.
  • bought all 5 of the cookery books. Well, one was given as a present. And I’ve convinced 1 person to go with me to try sushi. It turns out, I have make two new friends who have never tried sushi because apparently, I’d already introduced all of my old friends to sushi before I had started the challenge. I actually need new friends. I’ve annoyed all the old ones by continually asking them if they have tried sushi. None of them pick up the phone any more. I even heard a rumour that some of them have renamed me as ‘The Sushi Nag’ on their handset instead.
  • found 0 delicious new wines. And I have been trying. OK, OK, I admit I have been sneaking back to the old wines…
  • upped the restaurants to 30. Which completely wrecks all of my statistics. But I have so far managed 15 of them.
  • I’m not doing well with the German novels…
  • watched 48 films. Without sleeping on my husband’s shoulder.
  • steadfastly stuck to dating my husband every month. We’re single-handedly keeping our local restaurant open. We’ve been there 12 times and 1 time we went to a Murder Mystery Dinner.
  • not achieved a single boot sale and I’m behind on Joni’s dates (the girl is so busy, she never has any time) so we have a measly 4 there, therefore I’m thinking of starting Lori’s dates before I finish Joni’s.
  • managed 2 therapy sessions with Aden.

Now for the maths.

In the last statistical post I informed you I still had to complete 958 events in 973 days. However, since then I added 20 new restaurants. Taking that total up to 978 events in 973 days.


Hang on, wait a minute!! I ‘chopped’ the gym. That means a reduction of 3 classes and 99 trips to the gym.

So, 978 – 102 = 876 events in total.

And since then I’ve completed a total of *fumbles for calculator*

250 events. Plus 22 tasks. So 272.

Oh no. Just a sec.

Some had already been accounted for in the previous statistics, such as 4 new recipes and 7 watched films. I need to juggle my figures.

So. Magically (just like that) (don’t ask me about my methods, I’m only 31.763% sure they work) I find I have to take 28 already credited events and 1 credited completed task from the previous 272 total. šŸ˜¦
Thus 272 – 29 = 243

So, since April last year I’ve managed to complete 243 events.

Now for the moment of truth.

Are you sitting comfortably? Do you have a glass of celebratory fizzy wine prepared?

In order to be on track I need to have completed one third of the 876 events.

876 Ć· 3 = (drumroll) (sorry) 292.


Vodka anyone?

*I knew I shouldn’t have cleaned the bloody house*

33 Replies to “A statistical analysis”

  1. I would like to like this,but the like button won’t let me.
    now to the post:brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

    1. Glad you like it!! The like button won’t work because you’re not a blogger! It’s only for WordPress bloggers. But you can like it with the thumbs up button at the top.

  2. I just wonder… why? Isn’t alcoholism just a faster route to the same end?

    Nevertheless, I enjoyed your account of all this – even if it was just because I’m glad I’m NOT trying to do the same things! šŸ™‚

  3. Hi Sarsm…I came late to the party and six months later I’ve still not completed many tasks…This post is a wlcome to reminder I need to crack on!!
    We must keep going šŸ™‚

  4. This is awesome! It’s like I can actually hear your voice of panic on the things you have yet to do. Don’t pressure yourself so much. Enjoy each task as much as possible! Discover more about yourself after each one šŸ™‚

    1. I’m really glad you like it. It was fun to write!

      I totally love doing my challenges. It’s a fantastic feeling to push yourself out their and fulfill your dreams. Fancy trying it?

      1. I think I will! It gives a good direction to my everyday plans. I’ll find your original blog post when you started the challenges. I might do half of it šŸ˜‰

  5. I can always relate to your blog, and do so laughing and giggling. You forgot to subtract 15% from the total for your “fudge factor”. Building Contractors always factor in a percentage for the great unknown. Do that, and I think you are back to sipping champagne. I think congratulations are in order! šŸ™‚

  6. These are wonderful tasks you have taken up. I hope your knees get better so you can continue with cross-trainer and good luck with everything else including that 30 times to the pool. Hahaha that’s one heck of a task right there but you can do it! I’m cheering you on!! Good luck on the mission.

    1. Thank you!!

      I’ve taken a month off the trainer and my knee is better than it was so here’s hoping…

      I like swimming but finding time to actually go to the pool… Argh! That’s a problem. šŸ˜‰ I’m going to try though!!

      Do you fancy joining us?

  7. I commend you and congrats! For me just raising my five kids was a challenge so for you to raise your four and still take on challenges….well…what can I say, except you are fantabulous! Now, if I can just make it another six years until I retire from the job that pays my bills…well, that for me is the next big challenge. I look forward to hearing about your challenges for the upcoming year. I say, rock on!

    1. I read your comment out to my kids, just so they know just how fantabulous (great word, by the way) I really am!!

      I think without other challenges, I would go completely mad. And I rarely do housework. šŸ˜‰

      Thanks for your continued support!!!

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